Components: large groups and learning technique

Large groups work with more than 30 people for more than 3 hours. Hundreds and thousands of people can participate. Most of the time people collaborate in small sub-groups with up to 10 participants.

Efficiency is increased by using all senses (auditive, visual, kinesthetic, smell, taste). Further factors can improve learning:

o participants choose their topic
o structured discussion
o activation of participant’s resources
o possible inclusion of external participants or places via internet

Needless to note that all content for learning shall be offered in public apps on mobile devices.

Outcome of learning

These methods increase the motivation of the participants (spirit of large groups). Additionally, the personality of the participants is developed, e.g., by fostering reflection of opinions and values. The intra-Group discussion is a stronger factor of learning than Central speeches and attempts at „indoctrination“

The curricula may include moral building (values), problem solving methods, innovation, and more.

Significant progress is achieved by assigning the participants to work on economic and building lighthouse projects while they (at least) in the first year work for 50 % of the time and study 50 % of the time.

Naturally the same methods are applied for learning classic issues like professional qualification and continuous education.

Content of learning

Curricula for world-improvement could include:
a) professional qualification and continuing education
b) development of personality
c) basic components of life (psychology, self-organisation, learning techniques, mastering change, healthcare, partnership and family, communication, strength development, social networking, financial intelligence, values and goal setting.