I pursue a unique idee, based on my novel on world rescue. There are the mentioned aid-organisations, thousands in many countries. Mostly founded by private initiatives. They are independent and non-political.

In my novel I describe a way, how the world-wide aid-organisations come together. My hero rushes ahead, puts his wealth into a new foundation as an umbrella organisation. This umbrella offer grants to all aid-organisations on there own revenues by donors. A federal structure is available, where each organisation stays as specialised on the original founder’s purpose.

The umbrella organisation would play an important public relation role and address countries with problems speaking with one voice. It could offer logistic aid when crises occur, out of a position of trust. This would be a totally new way of intervention for peace and economic spirit.

How could this be started? The key for this is in the hands of the wealthy people who signed the giving pledge. This new strategy follows exactly the goals described in their letters published on this website. This „network“ would therefore be the ideal nucleus. A concentration of 100 billions minimum out of the vallet of the super-rich could give the umbrella-organisation a powerful voice.

My master plan builds on a global organisation leading commercial sub-companies with hundreds of thousands of employees all over the world. This global umbrella support local activities by

  • Role model of intrapreneural leadership and communication for other enterprises.
  • influencing hundreds of thousands of customers and suppliers (e.g. ethic-codex similar to fair-trade-seals).

  • inspecting micro-credits on site.

  • supervising use of donations on a local level.
  • send local proposals to the board of directors of the foundation, from the base. Having seats in the board.

This umbrella-organisation would take the role as a counterpart to public representing “the base” (the “99 %”) rather than the “establishment” (the ”1 %”) in the sense of Stiglitz.

At the top of the foundation there are people with high morals, e.g. winners of nobel peace price. Like the „Elders“ of Richard Branson.

Sub-foundations are country specific and have to qualify to become part of the umbrella. Once they have accepted some principles they can  benefit from donations of the umbrella foundation.